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Is Dumpster Rental or Junk Removal Service Best for my Project?

Don’t know if junk removal services or dumpster rental service is best for your project and needs? Because the services are very different, it’s important to do the proper research prior to making any commitments or payments. You don’t want to end up surprised with additional fees or necessary appointments or phone calls.

There are several factors to consider prior to your decision. So, is a dumpster rental or junk removal service right for your project?


Dumpster Rental:
When renting a dumpster, you typically pay a static price, without hidden or service fees. Depending on the size you need, rentals have a wide range of costs, starting as low as $250. Dumpster rental services do not include labor charges, and are usually the best “bang for your buck”, depending on the size of your project.

Junk Removal Service:
Junk services cost more or less depending on the specific project. Junk removal services vary on every aspect of the project, therefore requiring a quote. The fluctuating price ranges from $50 to $400 differing with services, volume of junk, and the general density of the project.


Dumpster Rental:
Dumpster rentals are perfect for projects lasting all day or multiple days with a large rental window and much more control than junk removal services. Dumpsters can be dropped of at any time, even when you are not home or in the office. They are the safer route for projects, as dumpster rentals are ideal for projects that could potentially have a longer than expected time frame.

Junk Removal Service.
A junk removal service option is great for one-time needs and urgent projects.


Dumpster Rental:
For projects larger than 10 yards or for projects with multiple items, opt for a dumpster rental. The rental company you choose should offer a wide range or sizing options from 10 to 40 yards with 5 to 10 yard interval choices in between.

Junk Removal Service:
If you have one or two larger items, that could be dangerous to move by yourself, a trained professional is your best option.


Dumpster Rental:
Several different materials are typically accepted in dumpster rentals. Some of these include: clay, earth, gravel, leaves, asphalt, steel, sand, plywood, and tires. If you have singular or heavy appliances or furniture, such as a refrigerator, many dumpster rental companies offer special services and dumpsters for these more unique projects. Unfortunately, due to safety reasons, a reliable dumpster rental service will not accept hazardous materials, such as paint, solvents, asbestos, and radioactive material

Junk Removal Service:
Some common items in which need to be removed and require a junk removal service include very large items such as hot tubs, mattresses, and large furniture. Junk removal service companies also typically have a longer list of unacceptable items.

Can I have both?

Usually, companies do not offer both services. Greenway Dumpsters, however, offers both dumpster rentals and junk removal services that can be purchased together. While many projects might not require both, this is a great option for those without the proper time or resources to move items without professional assistance.

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  • Courteous drivers to put your interests first.

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